Sunday, June 23, 2013

in a pig's butt. . .

love will go anywhere.

In CHERRY, a young male prostitute loves a self-destructing, self-centered pig. Eventually, the pig loves the prostitute back.

How the hell does that happen?

Grandma used to say, "Love will go anywhere, even in a pig's butt." Sometimes, without rhyme or reason, people find love. Despite themselves. Despite everything.

When I first thought of the story for CHERRY, I knew the type of asshole my mc Dave was going to be. He admits early on he doesn't give a crap about people, least of all himself. He hates himself. He's self-destructing. He's one seriously lonely fuck. He has no friends, no one on earth loves him and no wonder: he treats people like shit.

Then he meets this kid who, for some unfathomable reason, cares about him. Makes no sense why, makes even less sense that he's incredibly turned on by this kid. He isn't gay--he's been married twice, for Christ's sake. Dave tries everything to push Cherry away, even as he's fucking him two, three times a week. He uses and abuses the kid. Taunts him. Hurts him emotionally. Physically. Doesn't matter--Cherry loves Dave unconditionally and forgives his trespasses, including an act of betrayal so devastating that he's heartbroken. And Dave nearly blows his own brains out. 

But the more Dave gets to know Cherry, the more he realizes that this kid is different. Special. He's an enigma: uncommonly sweet, incredibly naive and yet he sucks cock for a living. And he's as nutty as a fruitcake--Cherry believes his mom came to him in a vision when he was twelve. He's going to kill himself before he turns nineteen because he believes his mother told him to do it. His one goal in life is to be with his dead mother and he's planning for it, practicing by strangling himself and playing chicken with oncoming traffic.  
The closer Cherry gets to D-Day--Death Day--the more panicked Dave becomes. He  tries everything he can think of to change Cherry's mind. Dave's feelings are all over the place: one minute he want to fuck the kid, the next, he's seriously considering adopting him. He resorts to threats: he'll kill himself if Cherry doesn't listen to reason. But despite his best efforts, Cherry remains steadfast, determined to go through with his plan. No amount of begging, cajoling, or bullying by Dave is going to change his mind. 

At some point Dave stops thinking about himself. At some point, he accepts responsibility for Cherry, realizing that only he can stop the kid, except he can't; and when Cherry disappears, Dave finally admits the truth: he loves that kid, loves him more than he's ever loved another human being. It's not about sex anymore, not about himself anymore, it's about this other person who saw something in Dave he didn't see, couldn't see; loved him despite everything. . .

What possessed Cherry to love Dave? Sometimes there's no logical explanation for loving a person. Love doesn't care if a person is saint or sinner, alive or dead. Love doesn't care why, doesn't need to know why.  And sometimes, when you're hopelessly lost, love will find you. Even if you can't believe you deserve it.

Even when you don't.


Mrs Fringe said...

Nicely done.
IMO, this is your synopsis. (minus the author's interference)

This manuscript needs a house, I want to buy this book.

kkbe said...

I think this post captures the essense of CHERRY. Despite rough, outward trappings that might suggest otherwise, CHERRY is a love story.

Thank you, Mrs. Fringe.

Theo said...

*waves* It's Theo from AW here.

Something struck me about this post, partly because I've got a relative on suicide watch right now (which is why I'm not logging in over on AW much). There are two things which give me the confidence to venture out of earshot of them. The relevant one is they say they love me and that stops them from doing it - they don't want to put me through it. It's not a nice thing to hear.

So, my thoughts on this are about Cherry's feelings for Dave and how he reconciles them with his decision to kill himself, about you (the writer) having a more than surface awareness of Cherry's feelings, but also about Dave's feelings about whichever path Cherry takes. I also have many thoughts about Dave accepting responsibility for Cherry. It's presented in this as a good and positive thing, a romantic thing, but I'd hope you (the writer) have a bigger view than that. Obviously I'm not your character and I'm not in the same situation, but what I see here is nothing like what I see in front of me, and I especially don't see the damage (which is pretty much all I can see in real life).

Just, yannow, thoughts. I'm big on realism, but I'm confident the vast majority of people wouldn't be bothered by it. I can think of plenty of popular books which successfully take dramatic device over realism.

kkbe said...

Theo, My heart goes out to you and your family.

You know more about CHERRY than most, I've posted a lot over at AbsoluteWrite. Yeah, Dave accepts responsibility for Cherry, but it isn't romanticized and in the end, it doesn't matter, not to Cherry. That's a difficult thing for Dave to understand, accept, reconcile.

As much as a writer can breathe life into characters sketched on paper, the truth is, Dave and Cherry are my vision. Their complex story is my version, my interpretation. I'm hoping it's resonates.

It's not real.

Is it plausible? I tried to make it so.